Lexus ES manuals

Lexus ES: Maintenance


 Maintenance requirements

To ensure safe and economical driving, day-to-day care and regular maintenance are essential. It is the owner's responsibility to perform regular checks. Lexus recommends the following maintenanc

 General maintenance

Listed below are the general maintenance items that should be performed at the intervals specified in the "Warranty and Service Guide" or "Owner's Manual Supplement". It is recommended that any

 Do-it-yourself maintenance


 Lost Communication with Cruise Control Module Missing Message (U010487)

DESCRIPTION The millimeter wave radar sensor assembly communicates with the forward recognition camera via CAN communication. If a communication error is detected between the forward recognition camera and millimeter wave radar sensor assembly, the millimeter wave radar sensor assembly stores this D

 Problem Symptoms Table

PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE NOTICE: If the auxiliary battery voltage is low, the mirror heater function may not operate. HINT: Use the table below to help determine the cause of problem symptoms. If multiple suspected areas are listed, the potential causes of the symptoms are listed in order of probab

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