Lexus ES: Fuel Pressure Sensor (for High Pressure)
COMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION *1 FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR *2 NO. 1 FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR HOLDER Tightening torque for "Major areas involving basic vehicle performance such as moving/turning/stop
INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR (a) Check the fuel pressure sensor output voltage. (1) Apply 5 V between terminals 1 (VC) and 2 (E2). NOTICE:
Be careful when connecting th
INSTALLATION CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: This procedure includes the installation of small-head bolts. Refer to Small-Head Bolts of Basic Repair Hint to identify the small-head bolts. Click here
DESCRIPTION This DTC is stored if the rear television camera assembly judges that there is an internal malfunction as a result of its self check. HINT: The rear television camera assembly stores different types of information during initialization. If the rear television camera assembly cannot read
INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL LEAK DETECTION PUMP SUB-ASSEMBLY HINT: Only perform this procedure when replacement of the leak detection pump sub-assembly is necessary. (a) Engage the 2 claws to install a new leak detection pump sub-assembly to the No. 2 charcoal canister sub-assembly. NOTIC
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