Lexus ES manuals

Lexus ES: Terminals Of Ecu




Component with harness connected

(Multiplex Tilt and Telescopic ECU)



(a) Measure the voltage and resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Inspect the connectors from the back side while the connectors are connected.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

G63-1 (GND) - Body ground

W-B - Body ground

ECU ground


Below 1 Ω

G63-2 (+B) - G63-1 (GND)

B - W-B

Motor power source

Power switch off

11 to 14 V

G63-3 (CANP) - G63-11 (CANN)

R - W

CAN communication

Power switch off

54 to 69 Ω

G63-4 (E1) - Body ground

BE - Body ground

Tilt sensor ground


Below 1 Ω

G63-5 (VC) - G63-18 (MSW)

L - GR

Tilt and telescopic switch signal

Power switch on (IG)

4.9 to 5.1 V

G63-6 (TEM+) - G63-1 (GND)

B - W-B

Telescopic motor output

  • Power switch on (IG)
  • Steering column contracting

11 to 14 V

Telescopic motor not operating

Below 1 V

G63-7 (TIM+) - G63-1 (GND)

LG - W-B

Tilt motor output

  • Power switch on (IG)
  • Steering wheel tilting up

11 to 14 V

Tilt motor not operating

Below 1 V

G63-8 (GND2) - Body ground

BR - Body ground

ECU ground


Below 1 Ω

G63-9 (ECUB) - G63-1 (GND)

BR - W-B

ECU power source

Power switch off

11 to 14 V

G63-10 (IG) - G63-1 (GND)

L - W-B

IG signal / IG power source

Power switch on (IG)

11 to 14 V

Power switch off

Below 1 V

G63-13 (VCI) - G63-4 (E1)

B - BE

Tilt sensor power source

Power switch on (IG)

8 to 14 V

G63-14 (VCE) - G63-17 (E2)


Telescopic sensor power source

Power switch on (IG)

8 to 14 V

G63-15 (TES) - G63-17 (E2)

R - LG

Telescopic sensor signal

Telescopic motor operating

Pulse generation

HI: 8 to 14 V

LOW: Below 1 V

G63-16 (TIS) - G63-4 (E1)

W - BE

Tilt sensor signal

Tilt motor operating

Pulse generation

HI: 8 to 14 V

LOW: Below 1 V

G63-17 (E2) - Body ground

LG - Body ground

Telescopic sensor ground


Below 1 Ω

G63-19 (TEM-) - G63-1 (GND)

G - W-B

Telescopic motor output

  • Power switch on (IG)
  • Steering column extending

11 to 14 V

Telescopic motor not operating

Below 1 V

G63-20 (TIM-) - G63-1 (GND)

L - W-B

Tilt motor output

  • Power switch on (IG)
  • Steering wheel tilting down

11 to 14 V

Tilt motor not operating

Below 1 V


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