Lexus ES manuals

Lexus ES: On-vehicle Inspection




(a) Check fuel pressure.

(1) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(2) Turn the power switch on (IG).

(3) Turn the Techstream on.

(4) Put the engine in Inspection Mode (Maintenance Mode).

Powertrain > Hybrid Control > Utility

Tester Display

Inspection Mode

(5) Start the engine.

(6) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine / Active Test / Control the Target Fuel Pressure Offset.

Powertrain > Engine > Active Test

Active Test Display

Control the Target Fuel Pressure Offset

Data List Display

Fuel Pressure (High)

(7) Select the Data List item: Fuel Pressure (High).

(8) Check that the fuel pressure fluctuates when the target fuel pressure changes.


The target fuel pressure operation decreases the target fuel pressure by 12.5% or increases the target fuel pressure by 24.8%.

If the result is not as specified, replace the fuel pump assembly or fuel delivery pipe.

(b) Check operating sound.

(1) Remove the No. 1 engine cover sub-assembly.

Click here

(2) Start the engine.

(3) Using a sound scope, check the operating sound of the fuel pump assembly.

If no sound can be heard, check the fuel pump assembly, wire harness and ECM.

(4) Stop the engine.

(5) Install the No. 1 engine cover sub-assembly.

Click here



REMOVAL CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT The necessary procedures (adjustment, calibration, initialization or registration) that must be performed after parts are removed and installed, or replaced during fuel


INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT FUEL PUMP ASSEMBLY (a) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below. Standard Resistance: Tester Connection Condition Specified Condit


INSTALLATION CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: This procedure includes the installation of small-head bolts. Refer to Small-Head Bolts of Basic Repair Hint to identify the small-head bolts. Click here



INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL REAR ENGINE OIL SEAL (a) Using height adjustment attachments and plate lift attachments, place the engine assembly on a flat level surface. NOTICE: Using height adjustment attachments and plate lift attachments, keep the engine assembly level. To prevent the No

 How To Proceed With Troubleshooting

CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT HINT: Use the following procedure to troubleshoot the power window control system. *: Use the Techstream. PROCEDURE 1. VEHICLE BROUGHT TO WORKSHOP NEXT 2. CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS HINT: In troubleshooting, confirm that the proble

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